Information that is essential to know for the EWC
a. Employment figures
- Employment figures and comparison with past years (total, per country, local sites and divisions)
- Employment figures concerning number of workers with permanent contracts, number of workers with temporary contracts, number of seasonal workers (where applicable), number of posted workers (where applicable)
- Information on employment planning
- Gender equality: what are the company policies in this respect?
b. Financial information
- Turnover (total, per country/continent/geographic area)
- Profit/loss
- Comparison with preceding year
- Trends, developments and risks as well as company policies related to turnover, profit/loss
c. Financial structure of the company
- Explanation of balance sheet
- Overview of shareholders, shareholder returns and dividends
- Developments in stock value, also in comparison with competitors Production/ service delivery
- Figures on production and service delivery (total, per country/facility and product range) and comparison with preceding year
- Planned production/service delivery for next year
- Trends and developments
- Planned changes in production/service delivery (amounts, facilities, production lines)
- New working methods or production processes
Partner in the Project EwepCe Effective and well-functioning EWCs in post–Covid era Serbian Association of Employers (RS) commented: We believe that some part of this information cannot be disclosed in full due to market competition. Practically, a significant portion of this information should be treated as proprietary and confidential. The listed details mainly encompass financial, economic, business, scientific, technical, technological and production-related data. This information holds economic value. If made accessible to third parties, there is a possibility that their use or disclosure could result in economic gain and harm the company.
d. Social information and disclosure of non-financial information
- Health and safety, stress at the workplace, work-related accidents
- Overview of sick days
- Overview of employment and working conditions of different worker categories (working hours, working environment, labour flexibility, employment protection)
- Environmental, social and employee matters
- Respect of human rights
- Anti-corruption and bribery matters
- Equality and diversity policy
- Respect for social dialogue and trade union rights
- Policies pursued by the undertaking with respect to the above policies
e. Investments
- Overview of investments in current/preceding year
- Planned investments for coming year(s)/per site
- Trends, short- and long-term objectives and backgrounds of investment policy and its impact on employment
f. Market position, business and developments
- Overview of current market position, trends, developments
- Comparison with closest competitors in industry
- Growth/decline of markets (distribution over geographical areas/countries, specific product ranges)
- Internationalisation
g. Technological change
- Relevant technological developments
- Disruptive technologies that require an adjustment of production/service delivery methods and processes
- Company approach to mastering the digitalisation challenge
h. Mergers/ acquisitions/ restructuring processes
- Overview and background of acquisitions, sales and restructuring in previous and current year
- Outsourcing
- Planned acquisitions, sales and restructuring and related social costs
- Cutbacks or closures of undertakings, establishments or important parts thereof:
Collective redundancies
Partner in the Project EwepCe Effective and well-functioning EWCs in post – Covid era Serbian Association of Employers (RS) commented: We believe some of this information should be shared with representatives of the EWC, but the question is at what moment. Premature information can create panic, become public prematurely, and thereby damage the company’s business reputation without a real initial basis for restructuring or layoffs.
- Current and planned training options for different target groups of employees
- Transnational mobility of trainees
- New skill requirements
- Human resources and recruitment strategy